Say no to remote fatigue

Don’t spend another week ignoring how the pandemic is impacting your team's mental health, their zeal for life and your business. Let's face it, it seems like we've been stuck at home forever with no end in sight. Not a great space to be in mentally.

Break the monotony of just doing work, chores and repeat. Jolt your team out of the blues and connect with them, like you would after a good chai break. It might seem trivial at times but those non-work interactions have a game-changing effect on how we work and feel.

Talk to us


Feeling the pressure of working on your own all the time?

We definitely are!

Reimagine. Recharge.Reconnect.

Connecting people on a human level is something we've always excelled at. With the "Productivity Booster”, “Recharge Work” or “The Fun Box” virtual training programs, we kicked it up a notch. Loaded with fun-filled ice breakers, interactive games, delicious snacks and rib-tickling team bonding activities - the sessions are all play and no work.

Take the time to build rapport, pull each other's leg, crack a joke and make memories together.

Connect with us

Don't hesitate, we love to just talk! Discuss your new project with us today or just call us for a chat!

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Abiramapuram, Chennai - 600 018.
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